Sunday, December 23, 2012

Daily Planner

The end of the year is coming fast; it is time to change over my daily planner.

I am very picky and normally it is the middle of January before I manage to find just the right planner. This year I decided to take the bull by the horns and start searching for a planner the first week of December while I was looking for Christmas presents.

Well, after looking and decided on a planner that I wasn’t 100% sure of yet, a fellow blogger happened to express her joy on a planner. She explained that she too was picky, loved the weeks and months in the same planner, and carried her planner everywhere.

I thought PERFECT! This is exactly what I do. So I took her advice (she wasn’t wrong) and moved on over to the website, they had a special going on…. A double YAY!

I received the planner in the mail, loved the look and feeling, did not love the layout but thought I’m just not used to it. This was until I sat down tonight to get my 2013 planner organized.

There are days in which I want to hit myself in the head and say “what was I thinking?!?!?!”

The planner I thought I bought was a normal 2013 planner. Yes the outside was the pattern I wanted right along with my name, all perfect, tied into a little bow; it even had the months and weeks like I wanted. Awesome right?

YA, the first month in the dang planner was AUGUST!?!?!?!?!?


So here I am with an academic planner, no dates on the week days and complete mishmash for my brain. After trying three times to write my work schedule in this academic planner, I gave up.

However, I decided to pull up my email and my order form on the website.  I knew I could not have ordered an academic planner…RIGHT?!?!?!?

HAHAHAHA…Long sigh…. Yes, I ordered an academic planner and guess what! They won’t do returns. Yep, they won’t fix “stupid” or in my case not reading the lines correctly!!!!

Here is the funny part folks! So I go back to reorder another planner because I know myself and WILL fight with this planner until I’m blue in the face and to avoid any more stress in my life, let’s do the easy thing and reorder.  Anyways, I go back to reorder another planner and this time I am reading extra extra extra careful. But WAIT…WHAT?!?!?! NO ACADAMIC OPTION?!?!?

Yes you read that correctly, this time when I went back to reorder there was no academic option, I even went back over it twice to make sure I was ordering correctly.

So I ask you this why in two weeks did the academic option go away and is now replaced with a January- December option?!?!?

Ladies and Gentlemen let this be a lesson to you. Always read the fine print!

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