Sunday, November 6, 2011

Save the Date's

As some of you know, the Save the date saga still continues. First we had the issue of addresses, then once I got most of the addresses I had the issue of the evil printer, then I had the issue after they were all stamped of who I can send them to and who I can't.  Now we are to the point of the evil printer again! I received the last of the addresses from my mother yesterday and I decided to print out the addresses on the save the dates, with no avail I once again have an evil printer that rather spit out blank pages then do me a little favor and print them out nicely. I am hoping that once I try again this evening I will have better luck!

With that said, I wanted to express my thoughts on the save the dates I used. I bought them threw They were running a special in which I got 100 post cards for free. Yes, you read that correctly my save the dates added up to a whole $28 and that is because I wanted recycled paper rather than the high gloss that they offered. I feel that the post cards came out really nice and were very easy to design. The only complaint I have about them is the printing of addresses. I have now realized why offers to print your addresses at a minimal fee. I can honestly say that I would have paid the $15 to have them print my addresses if I knew how much of an issue it would have been to print my own (and I love to save a buck!).

I found that the post cards were an odd size for my printer and Word. After a lot of “talking” to my printer I was able to print all of the post cards. They are all in the mail and you should be receiving them soon if you have not already.

I would recommend to anyone, however, I would advise them on addresses!

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