Monday, January 14, 2013

Good Morning

Today has already started off strange. D is not feeling very well which gave him a restless night, a lot of tossing and turning. I was fortunate enough to sleep through most of it however with any tossing and turning in a small bed it can be hard. I woke up to a very load NYPD BLUE tv show blasting on the tv and laid in bed until I could find the energy to get out of bed and start the day. Some days, I wish I could sleep for ever. I am sure D feels the same at this moment. A nice nap hopefully will be in order for him this afternoon.

I have been moving very slow this morning. The clock has almost struck noon and I am still in my pj’s and have not even started thinking about cleaning. The energy level is just not there. It is my hope to get the spare bed room cleaned and organized before the end of the day. All of our Christmas presents have resided there since Christmas day. A small goal seems perfect for me today. Maybe once I start cleaning I will get a spark to stay in the cleaning mood. HAHA!

I have been working slowly but surely on my etsy projects. I have come up with one item that is completed and needs posted; I am currently in the process of working and completing two sign/wall hanger items. I also have been working on making my store more uniform. This is where I have placed most of my attention over the past month. I worked on the policies, look, and the listings. I am almost complete; in another day or two I will officially be completed. The remodeling of my store has seemed to help. Even though it is currently in construction the new tactics and listing style has brought me a few more sells. This is very exciting!

I am off to start my day’s activities. I will be back later this evening to express my progress. And to discuss a new Etsy shop I would like to brag about! 

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